Course Care

As golfers, we should always do our part to help care for the courses we play on.

Repair pitch marks

Repairing ball marks is something we should always be doing. If you repair your ball mark and a couple of others with the proper technique, you’ll be doing yourself and everyone else a favour. Players are encouraged to take sand buckets and fill divot holes as necessary during their rounds.

Repair your divots

Repairing our divots correctly is another easy way to make a difference to the state of the course. The greenkeepers may not have the resources to fix unrepaired divots, and the scars can be lasting. Improperly repaired divots can take months to heal. This leaves the risk of a bad lie in the fairway for yourself and other golfers. Repairing divots correctly, along with a few others for good measure, will go a long way toward keeping our fairways smooth.

Follow cart rules

We all know that golf carts can damage a course if they aren’t used properly particularly if weather conditions aren’t conducive to cart traffic. Following the rules and keep carts on paths as much as possible will make a difference.

Removing ball for the cup

Players are not to use their putter to remove their golf ball from the hole as this can damage the 'lip' of the hole.

Bunker care

Before leaving a bunker, a player should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made by him, and then leave the rake in the middle of the bunker.

  • Always enter the bunker at the lowest point.

  • Pull rake toward you as you exit the bunker

  • If required rake other affected areas.