Women's Noticeboard


The Hawkes Bay Golf Referees Association is to conduct a Level 1 Rules course at the Poverty Bay Golf Club. The course is designed to give all golfers a chance to learn the more common Rules of Golf. Ideal for club golfers and players new to golf.
Dates: Mondays, 31st March and 7th April 

  • Time: 5:30 pm. 1.5 hours duration. 
  • Practical session: Wednesday 9th April at 4:00pm adjacent to 16th green
  • Examination: 1 hour Monday 14th April  5:30 pm
  • Register by Monday 26th March  
  • Cost:  $10.00

All candidates are encouraged to sit the Examination.

Rules Presenter: Duncan Bush 021 150 2170 (duncbush@gmail.com)

Inquiries to: Lance Williams. Phone: 021 130 0089. email: lance_k_w@hotmail.com

Payment: by internet banking into account number 03 1517 0009336 00.

Name: Hawkes Bay Golf Referees Association.

Please include your surname & initials and contact phone number in the reference field and confirm payment to Lance Williams.

A Level 2 course will take place later in the year.


Congratulations to our 2024 Ladies Club Champions:

Junior:  Vonnie Fletcher

Intermediate: Debbie Kirkpatrick

Senior:  Jan Utting



Fulton Hogan Friday Ambrose Teams Series

F.A.T.S. (Mercantile Golf)

The next round in this series will now be held:

February 14th, 21st, 28th and March 14th, 2025.

