Health & Safety





Poverty Bay Golf Club is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all employees, members, contractors, and visitors.

Safe working practices have been adopted for this course and all players are asked to note the following procedures to prevent injury to staff and players from golf balls and equipment.

A golf course can be a hazardous environment and players must always remain vigilant to prevent accidental injury to themselves and others.



1. The clubhouse is a two-storey layout with stairs and large open spaces, but please take care when carrying parcels or goods.

2. Care should be taken when carrying drinks and food to your table, especially hot liquids.

3. First aid kits are in several locations being the Pro Shop, Bar/Kitchen, Club Manager’s

    Office and at the Green Keeper’s Shed:

4. A defibrillator is located just outside the main door of the club house facing the course.

5. In the unlikely event of a fire or emergency alarm – all visitors must vacate the building immediately and report to the practice tee to follow the directions of the Fire Warden or PBGC staff.




1. Persons under 18 years of age or those without a driver’s licence are not permitted to drive golf carts.

2. Be aware of green staff and workmen on and around the course – take care when approaching any work areas and keep a reasonable distance when driving a golf cart in their direction.

3. All instructions, as displayed on the golf carts, must be adhered to.

4. All golf carts are to be driven with care, not driven close to or on the greens, bunkers or tee areas.

5. Particular care should be taken when travelling. Extreme care is always required.

6. All golf carts are driven at the driver’s risk. Incident reports are available and should be completed within 24 hours of any incident or accident. Once submitted an incident or injury may result in further investigation.



1. Course employees always have the right of way.

2. Golfers are expected to take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of all people on the        course and observe all notices on course.

3. Players must call FORE if their ball is heading towards another person.

4. Players are to take care when travelling between holes that cross over other holes.

5. Please note Poverty Bay Golf Club clubrooms are a SMOKE and VAPE FREE facility.

10. All near misses, incidents and accidents are to be reported to the Pro Shop ASAP.


Work Risks

Course employees always have the right of way.

Fairway and rough maintenance:

· Players must wait for an approaching vehicle or mower to pass behind, or out of range, before playing their shot. Alternatively, players may be called on by the operator to play on.

Greens maintenance:

· If a green is being worked on by staff, and the flagstick is not in the hole, players are not to hit up to the green until the flagstick is replaced and the green is cleared, or if they have been called up to play on.



· Spraying of pesticides, fungicides and other chemicals are an essential part of course maintenance. Warning signs regarding spraying will be displayed at the clubhouse entrance when toxic chemicals are in use. A member or visitor is advised that it is at their own discretion if they choose to use the course on days when chemicals have been applied.



December 2023:





  • All motorised golf vehicle drivers must be 18 years of age and possess a current driver's license.


  • All owners of a motorised golf vehicles must be insured against personal accident and property damage.


  • The vehicle must be operated from the driver's side only.


  • All golfers and motorised vehicles shall give way to course staff and machinery.


  • To prevent possible serious injury, the driver and passenger must keep their entire bodies within the vehicle.


  • To prevent falls from the vehicle, remain seated when the vehicle is moving and hold onto handles or handrails at all times.


  • Do not overload the vehicle and never have more passengers than seats available.


  • To avoid possible injury to passengers, pedestrians, drivers, or damage to other vehicles, avoid sudden starts, sudden stops, and abrupt turns. Also reduce speed in crowded areas/roads and for turning.


  • To avoid the possibility of losing control of the vehicle, reduce speed for adverse driving conditions such as wet grass or rough or steep terrain.


  • Do not drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medications that adversely effect your ability to drive or react.


  • Keep motorised vehicles at least 10 metres from all greens and greenside bunkers unless the area is staked or roped off. Vehicles are NOT permitted inside the staked or roped areas.


  • Park vehicles at the rear of greens or to the side leading to the next tee. NEVER in front of the greens. This will greatly assist the Pace of Play.


  • Do not drive over mounds that are within 10m of greens.


  • Do not drive on tee blocks or surrounds.


  • If course conditions are wet, vehicles should only travel on the driest and firmest parts of the golf course and should stay away from critical golf areas as much as possible. Driving in the rough is preferred to driving on the fairways. In order to protect the course and provide the best playing conditions for all golfers, the Board of Management has implemented the following:


Members who breach the policy will receive a written warning.

          When a further breach of policy occurs.

          The Member will be subject to a ban from driving any motorised vehicles within the course and grounds of the 

          Club for a period of one (1) month.

          Any subsequent breaches will require the member to meet with the Board of Management to explain their actions.

The Board of Management may take further disciplinary action. These are severe penalties, and it is hoped we

will never have to use them.